Update and Additional Information on FSU Decision to Move Online

Oct 30, 2020 4:44 PM

Following is additional information in Frostburg State University's decision move to online instruction until Wednesday, Nov. 4, as well as plans moving forward.

A leading factor in the decision to move FSU to online instruction was a larger-than-expected increase in self-reported positive COVID-19 cases and visits to Brady Health Center, FSU's student health clinic. In particular, between Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, the number of active cases monitored by Brady increased by 12 to 32 active cases. The rate of growth in the local community's positive cases was another area of concern.

Earlier indicators had not shown a significant change in the campus status, including preliminary results from last 14-day period of FSU-administered testing results, showing a positivity rate among those tests of 5.64%.

The positive test results have been predominantly among students. FSU has been able to identify that many of the current cases had been in common social circles. Further evaluation will occur to determine the level of spread beyond those circles. Our asymptomatic surveillance testing so far is supporting this.

Among the measures taken in addition to pausing in-person instruction:

  • In-person student activities, including tonight's planned Haunted House, are cancelled until Wednesday, Nov. 4.
  • Access to Cordts PE Center activity areas are suspended, along the Lane University Center fitness center and game room.

The following services will continue:

  • Residence halls remain open.
  • Food service will be available.
  • Offices will remain open. Employees should verify with supervisors for telework options.
  • The Election Day shuttle will continue, but with additional protocols to reduce density beyond what had been planned.

The team continues to meet and monitor the; COVID data indicators. We are working closely with the Allegany County Health Department and the University System of Maryland. If the COVID indicators point to the need for further actions, those actions will be shared with the campus and local community via the COVID-19 Information web site.

Covid 19 Response Web Image