教师 Evaluation

This resource is meant to serve as an accompaniment, 不是替代品, 参阅教职员手册中“教职员评估”所列的政策和程序. 教师,尤其是新教师,被鼓励去查阅他们部门的手册, Department Evaluation Committee, department chair, and mentors for assistance in the evaluation process.

对FTNTT教师的教学进行评估的程序与对终身教职和终身教职教师进行评估的程序相同. FTNTT教师可以要求对所有三个表现类别进行正式评估-教学, professional development, 服务——使用与终身教职和终身教职教职人员相同的程序.

A complete timeline of the evaluation cycle is available in the 教师 Handbook.

Overview of Full-Time Tenured and Tenure-Track 教师 Evaluation

评估周期 begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. 对于新入职的教员,第一次评估周期将从入职之日开始到12月31日结束. On or before February 1 following an evaluation cycle, full time tenure-track faculty submit a yearly Complete Evaluation. 教师 members are evaluated according to three categories:

  • Teaching and Advising
  • Professional Development and Achievement
  • 服务

每个类别的权重来自马里兰大学系统制定的教师工作量指南. 评估和机构研究办公室(AIR)提供了一个电子表格,可以自动为三类评估中的每一类分配权重. 重量在USM确定的范围内确定,以达到最佳效果 综合评分 for the faculty member.

Preparing your evaluation materials

院长办公室强烈鼓励新教师在评估过程中向他们所在院系或学院的导师寻求帮助. 过去的导师可以回答有关过程的问题,并分享评估材料的示例. 另外, 新教师应咨询其系主任和/或部门手册,了解他们的老师的额外指示和期望 Department Evaluation Committee (12月) and/or 系主任, including Departmental Evaluation Guidelines. 学院负责提供12月和/或主席执行各自评级职责所需的信息和材料.

After the end of the evaluation period, on or before February 1, full-time tenure-track faculty are expected to submit a Complete Evaluation 12月 and/or 系主任. Each department has their own expectations for your submission. 的 Complete Evaluation consists of the following at minimum:

  • Self-statement
  • 学生的反应
  • Teaching materials
  • Documentation of professional development and achievement
  • Documentation of service


的 evaluation self-statement should follow Departmental Evaluation Guidelines. 该陈述应提供在评估周期内所有三个主要角色的成就总结:教学和咨询, professional development and achievement, 和服务. 该声明为教师提供了反思其表现的机会,并为12月提供了评估随附材料的额外背景.


Students will rate faculty members using the common online Student Evaluation of Instruction 调查工具. 该调查在课程最后一天的前两周提供给学生,并在课程最后一天的晚上11点结束. 鼓励教师通过以下一种或多种方法提高回复率:

  • 在老师不在场的情况下留出上课时间,让学生在自己的电子设备上完成评估;
  • Communicating the value of the student evaluation of instruction (e.g. by providing examples of how student feedback is used to improve instruction);
  • Periodically encouraging and reminding students to complete the surveys; and/or
  • Providing information to students about completion rates for course sections.

Teaching Materials, Documentation of Professional Development and Achievement, Documentation of 服务

每个类别的可接受材料将因个人和部门而异. 澳门十大赌城官方网站强烈建议教师参考他们的部门评估指南, 系主任s, and mentors when collecting materials for evaluation. 另外, 例子可以在教师手册的“教师评价”部分的“教师榜样描述”中找到.

Overview of Evaluation Procedure

Evaluation materials move through several levels of approval. 每个部门都确定了由12月和/或主席进行评估的安排.

  1. Department Evaluation Committee (12月) and/or 系主任
    • Reviews evaluation materials
    • Prepares brief written justification supporting each element rating
    • 准备一份教师作为年度学术顾问工作的书面评估
    • Prepare a written assessment of the professional behavior of the faculty member
    • 对个别教员提出的任何书面反驳予以书面答复
    • Forward completed 12月 教师 Evaluation Report 到 系主任
  2. 系主任


  • 将12月的教师评估报告和/或系主任的教师评估报告转发给院长, with a copy 到 faculty member. 也, 完成并向院长和信息服务部门提交部门教师评估摘要
  • 向每位教员传达部门评估过程的结果, 最好是面对面的面试,并在需要的领域协助教员的发展
  1. 迪安
    • Reviews ratings and rating justifications for each full-time faculty member;
    • 考虑个别教师对其教师评估报告的书面反驳. 院长应在4月7日前将其书面反驳的情况通知教员, with a copy 到 12月 and/or Chair
    • Forwards their endorsement of the department recommendation for merit level on each faculty member 到 教务长; or should the 迪安 not concur with the Departmental recommendation for merit level, 或者教员对系评委员会和/或系主任的评估提出异议, or if the 迪安’s overall rating is different from the department rating, 院长将把他们的评级建议和部门评级建议提交给教务长, with a copy 到 faculty member and the 12月/系主任.
  2. 教务长
    • Receives and reviews the recommendations from the Department and 迪安
    • 考虑个别教员对院长推荐的书面反驳. 教务长应在5月1日前将其书面反驳的状态通知教员, with a copy 到 12月/Chair and 迪安

提交ting a rebuttal

对评估的书面反驳可以在评估过程的任何阶段提交. 反驳的性质,因此,书面反驳的内容将有所不同. 鼓励教师查阅教师手册,并与系主任一起启动反驳程序.