
Many Frostburg State 家长s are actively involved in their children's lives, especially when it involves college finances.

To help you be informed about financial aid, we offer this page of information and links that 家长s of Frostburg State 学生s often find useful.

Your Student's 金融援助 Information

We send most of our correspondence regarding 学生s' financial aid directly to 学生s via email. If you want to stay informed and help your 学生 manage their financial aid, there are a few things to know.

Requesting Information About Your Student

FERPA stands for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (1974). This law was designed to protect the privacy of the educational records of 学生s. 由于FERPA的规定, we cannot release any information to anyone other than the 学生 unless the 学生 has completed FSU's Release of Information form giving us permission to release his or her information to that specific individual. This means that in order for a 家长 to call and ask questions about a 学生's financial aid that 家长 must be listed on that 学生's Release of Information form.

Accessing Your Student's Financial Information

In order for a 家长 to call and ask questions about a 学生's financial aid, that 家长 must be listed on that 学生's Release of Information form. A 学生 can complete a Release of Information form by logging into their 爪子 account, selecting "Student Services Center", and completing the Release of Information under the drop down box listed in the "Academics" section of the web page. This Release of Information form expires each June 30, and must be completed again July 1 of every year.

Financial Planning and Tax Benefits for Education

While our office encourages every 学生 to apply for financial aid, we realize that not every 学生 will qualify for need-based grant or academic scholarship funding. FSU understands both the value of higher education and the financial burden placed on families as a result of shouldering the primary responsibility of paying for college. Below you will find resources to help you understand how to save for college, understand the costs associated with college attendance, as well as how to take advantage of any tax incentives offered to 家长s or 学生s who must pay qualified tuition expenses out-of-pocket.

Parent PLUS vs 选择贷款s

Our office recommends that 家长s borrow through the 家长PLUS贷款 Program instead of having 学生s borrowing an 选择贷款, 如果可能的话.

Please review the comparison chart to see the differences between each loan program.

家长PLUS贷款 选择贷款
负责任的政党 家长 学生
担保人 没有要求 在大多数情况下是必需的
利率和利率上限 Low, variable interest rate set annually;
Low, variable rate set quarterly or monthly;
应计利息 Accrued interest capitalizes once at final
Accrued interest may be capitalized monthly,
quarterly, or once at 还款
贷款付款及条款 Shorter 还款 term means higher monthly payments but lower finance charges Longer 还款 term means lower monthly payments but higher finance charges
批准的标准 Credit check based on federal standards;
No debt-to-income ratios or credit scoring
Based on 学生’s credit history and debt-to-income ratio
申请贷款 Master Promissory Note is good for 10 years;
No annual paperwork to complete
Must re-apply each year for additional funds
借款上限 父母 may borrow up to the cost of education less any financial aid received Students may borrow up to the full cost of
education less financial aid awarded,
depending on debt-to-income ratio and co-signer quality
还款 父母有责任;
还款 begins 60 days after loan is fully disbursed
还款 can be deferred up to six months after leaving school;
A 家长 can act as co-signer
付款的灵活性 Income-sensitive;
Graduated and extended 还款 options are available
Several payment options are available
Payment Deferment Situations Lender may offer delayed payment options for up to four years through forbearance No deferment during unemployment or
Payment may be deferred while 学生 is
支付保险 Federally insured against death and disability
for both the 家长 and the 学生
Not federally insured and offer no discharge in the event of disability or death
预付罚款 没有提前付款罚款 没有提前付款罚款
整合 父母 have the ability to lock into a fixed rate 贷款 cannot be consolidated



  • 普伦大厅
  • 301-687-4301
  • fsufinaid@90bc.net
  • 星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • FAFSA: 002072