前苏联 to Focus on Sustainability and Climate Awareness at 专注Frostburg


澳门十大赌城官方网站 will once again be fully focused on sustainability and climate awareness during the upcoming 专注Frostburg event, 一年一度的学习日, 周三, 4月18日, 从10点开始.m. 到5点.m. 事件, 免费向公众开放, 会为每个人举办绿色活动吗, 包括在莱恩大学中心的演讲.

Learn all about 前苏联’s environmental commitment from a wide range of presentations from faculty and students at the Lane Center, 包括那些关于宗教和环保活动的话题, 食品合作社, 转基因生物, 自然灾害, 食物浪费, 社会和环境的可持续性, 环境正义和粮食恢复. 除了4月18日的专注Frostburg演讲, there will also be a film and photography exhibit that evening at 7 p.m. 以及4月22日(周日)的地球日电影节.

As part of 专注Frostburg, several table and poster displays will be available for viewing. 了解防止废物, reuse and recycling at the Allegany County Recycling Table and find out about the Western Maryland Food Council at the Wholesome Harvest Co-op Information Table. 除了, drop by to explore the Key Sustainability People and Events Poster Display created by students and complete a poster scavenger hunt to earn a prize.

演讲上午10点开始.m. “宗教与环境行动主义”,,以纪录片《澳门赌城官方网站》为特色,” the first feature-length documentary film to capture the vitality and diversity of today’s religious-environmental activists. 同样是10a.m. 是一个互动研讨会,“准备开始你的合作?! 将粮食合作社与可持续农业联系起来,” where participants can join members of the recently formed Wholesome Harvest Co-op transition team to explore the differences between locally grown and industrially processed foods.

各种各样的演讲从上午11点开始.m. “转基因生物:外面有什么?? 应该是这样吗?? 即将发生什么?:关于它们是什么以及它们要去哪里的调查和讨论,” will touch on what 转基因生物 are and how they are made. “Political Disasters: How the Government Interprets and Responds to Natural Disasters” focuses on disaster relief policy, which has been concerned more with the loss of economic vitality rather than adequate relief initiatives. “Food Waste: The Issue and Solutions” consists of three talks – “Food Waste – The Issue, 原因和影响,” which provides an overview of 食物浪费 in America; “Apples for All – A Western Maryland Food Council Success Story,” which explains the council’s goals for improving the local food system; and “Food Waste Composting in Maryland,” which will cover how 食物浪费 is collected and processed in the county.

中午,与会者可以观看电影《澳门赌城官方网站》(Wasted)! 食物浪费的故事,” in which the world’s most influential chefs make the most of every kind of food, showing how every person can make small changes to solve the problem of 食物浪费. 放映将在下午1点结束.m. by a panel discussion featuring representatives from area food recovery/food rescue organizations.

下午一点还会有一场演讲.m.《澳门赌城官方网站》,哇哦!” about one person’s experience driving an all-electric vehicle charged by a solar array on a garage rooftop.

下午2点“大学食物垃圾回收方案之旅”.m. includes a walkthrough and discussion of campus food recovery efforts. Another University effort is explored at this time: “Communication 领导 Lab Collaborations: Exploring Links Between Social and Environmental Sustainability” features the Communication 领导 Lab coordinator and lab assistants, 谁来讨论这些项目, partnerships and benefits of building links between 社会和环境的可持续性 work. “土著环境正义之声”,下午2点.m., explores how indigenous peoples all over the world are using social media to fight against cultural and environmental exploitation.

下一个节目是下午3点.m. 是“参观大学的现场食物垃圾堆肥系统?,” offering a tour the University cafeteria to see how food scraps are collected and transported to the University’s onsite “Rocket Composter.” “Understanding 前苏联’s Silver medal STARS Rating: Dare We Dream of GOLD?” is an introduction to AASHE’s (Association f或者是 Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education) STARS rating system, 详细介绍了前苏联是如何获得银星奖章的. Poster sessions will also be held at this time: “Plantings of White Oak for Cherokee Basketry,《稻草战争:你知道危害吗??” and “Traditional Lakota Plant Collection at Wind Cave National Park.”

最后,在下午4点.m. “Solutions – The Food Recovery Hierarchy” will provide a discussion on how to create a more equitable and sustainable food recovery network.

福克斯弗罗斯特堡活动结束后,晚上7点.m., 会有一个关于苏丹文化可持续性的项目, 以电影节和摄影展为特色. “Saida” is about a young woman returning from a displaced persons camp who must create a life for herself, and “The Afghans: Pictures of Resilience” is an exhibit of more than 130 photographs of a fiercely independent people who have survived 40 years of uninterrupted war and famine.

在地球日, 4月22日, 前苏联, 地球日电影节的官方主持人, invites the campus community and area residents to celebrate Earth through film. 入选的影片之一是《更简单的方式》,” the University’s documentary that chronicles 前苏联 students’ experience in Uganda. 放映将于下午3点开始.m. 在吉拉中心397室. 除了“更简单的方法”,” four other short documentaries and one animated short will be screened, 然后, 在短暂的中场休息之后, 第二部前苏联纪录片, “内心的愿景,,将显示.

前苏联的最后一场可持续发展活动将于周一举行, 4月23日, 学生们将主持放映《澳门赌城官方网站》,” share information about the Sustainability Studies Minor and discuss ways for students to become more involved in on-campus sustainability projects. 洪水之前,,由国家地理频道呈现, features Leonardo DiCaprio on a journey as a United Nations Messenger of Peace, traveling to five continents and the Arctic to witness climate change firsthand.

欲了解更多信息和时间表,请访问 LGLG网站.

位于阿勒格尼县的山区, 澳门十大赌城官方网站 is one of the 12 institutions of the University System of Maryland. 前苏联是一个综合性的, residential regional university and serves as an educational and cultural center for Western Maryland. 更多信息,请访问 澳门十大赌城官方网站网站 或者是  前苏联 Facebook页面. 在Twitter上关注前苏联 @frostburgstate.

前苏联致力于制作所有的节目, 残疾人可获得的服务和活动. 通过ADA合规办公室申请住宿, 请致电301-687-4102或使用语音中继操作员1-800-735-2258.