澳门十大赌城官方网站 Students Muscling Their Way to Collegiate Powerlifting Championships


Ingrid 布劳恩 has a lot of weight on her shoulders these days.

实际上大约有300英镑. Deadlifting 292 pounds at a regional meet sent the FSU wildlife biology and fisheries major to the USA Powerlifting Collegiate Nationals at Texas A and M University in April. There she topped the 300 mark, deadlifting 303 pounds.

布劳恩, 谁被认为是新手, meaning she doesn’t use the assistance of a squat suit or athletic wrapping, 还保持着深蹲举重的记录. At the regional meet, she set a record for squatting 243.2 pounds, a mark she later topped by nearly 50 pounds at the Nationals, squatting 292.

布劳恩’s newfound trainer is fellow student Tristan Nazelrod, who is an accomplished powerlifter at the national and international levels. (Nazelrod, 顺便说一下, set a Junior and Collegiate American record at the Nationals, 举起740磅.)

布劳恩 does not think she would have been able to go to a national competition without Nazelrod’s help, but gaining his advice was harder than anticipated.

马里兰州怀特普莱恩斯的布劳恩., 居民, was in her first year at FSU navigating classes and college life, she decided to hit the gym to get back into shape. Shortly after that, the desire to lift weights pointed her to a serious run at powerlifting.

布劳恩 noticed a hulking figure with a laser focus in his eyes lifting in the Cordts PE Center gym. She wanted to ask him for powerlifting tips. She was even in a chemistry class with him but couldn’t find time to make small talk. 后,她 read a 澳门十大赌城官方网站 story on the man, Nazelrod, 她是马里兰州奥克兰市地理专业的学生., and knew even more she needed to find a way to talk.

Competitive powerlifters by nature are in a deep state of concentration to safely and effectively lift hundreds of pounds. It’s easy to understand why the affable, 然而,害羞, Nazelrod looked like he had better things to do than converse in the gym.

“Someone who looks like that, you don’t want to mess up their program,布劳恩说. “I didn’t get a chance to talk to him until this past semester.”

Once Nazelrod removed his headphones to talk to a trainer, 布劳恩 swooped in to introduce herself, quizzing him on what weightlifting program he’s using in training, hoping to get an idea of what would work for her.

His suggestion: “If you’re even thinking about it, sign up for a meet and do it,” Nazelrod said. “That’s the best way to find out if you like it or not.”

布劳恩 then decided to enter a USA Powerlifting meet at a Frederick CrossFit gym on Nazelrod’s recommendation. He was willing to assist anyway he could.

“He fully got me prepared and was my handler at that meet,布劳恩说. 她所有的程序都是他写的.

Nazelrod said he likes to pay it forward. 当他还是一年级学生的时候, it was the powerlifters ahead of him at FSU who helped him get started. From there, he fell in love with the sport.

In the USA Powerlifting Collegiate Nationals, 布劳恩 competed in the Junior 84kg weight class against other full-time female college students. Nazelrod competed in the 120kg-plus weight class in the men’s division. The two represented Frostburg State in the meet.

Nazelrod said 布劳恩 has the competitiveness to go far.

“You can tell within the first 30 minutes of talking to someone how serious they are,” Nazelrod said. “I could just tell she’s willing to put in time because that’s the biggest thing with this sport.”

就像纳泽尔罗德启发了布劳恩一样, she discovered a supportive Instagram community inspiring other female powerlifters. 布劳恩, in turn, posts her fitness routines and accomplishments there on @i布劳恩Fitness.

“I have girls that message me from Frostburg who say ‘I really want to get into powerlifting,’”布劳恩说. “Tristan and I are working to put together a program for a girl who contacted me.”

布劳恩 said this journey taught her perseverance after seeing what she could do after stepping away from weightlifting. She had taken weightlifting classes in high school starting in 2013, but her senior year schedule didn’t allow her to continue the class, even though she tried to keep her hand in at the local gym.

“只要你回来, you think it’s going to be a long journey, 但因为我从来没有完全停止过, I was able to gain my strength back fast. Not only was I going past my high school weights but I’m going into new territory in my lifts,布劳恩说.

She hit 300 pounds f或者是 first time on a deadlift while in the gym, smiling about “the road to 300.”

“It’s just a really big milestone to hit,” she said.

And hopefully one of many more to come.

Situated in the mountains of Allegany County, 澳门十大赌城官方网站 is one of the 12 institutions of the University System of Maryland. FSU是一个综合性的, 居民ial regional university and serves as an educational and cultural center for Western Maryland. 更多信息,请访问 澳门十大赌城官方网站 或者是 FSU Facebook页面. 在Twitter上关注FSU @frostburgstate.