Food Service Changes Effective Thursday, 11/4

Nov 4, 2020 10:45 AM

Due to two confirmed positive COVID cases of employees (one at Chesapeake and one in Appalachian Station at Lane Center), and out of an abundance of caution, Chartwells and the University decided to move all food service at Chesapeake Hall to grab-and-go until further notice. Appalachian Station will be closed as a precaution as well. Moe's and Starbucks will remain open.  

All facilities have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized and contact tracing is under way. Those who were in close contact with the associates have been notified.

Any further updates for food services will be sent to the campus community. 
Update: College Avenue Subs, Moe's and Starbucks are open. There are vegan and vegetarian options at Moe's and College Avenue Subs. Chesapeake is open as a grab and go facility and has both vegan and vegetarian options.